‘The Girl from the Basement’ Review

I was patient for almost 24 hours, but now I get to show you. This is Sherry Fundin’s review of book three, and the first proper review, I believe. I feel like this one is the one where the series starts to come together, so here goes.

And you can check out Sherry’s blog, Fundinmental, here:
She’s a very prolific reviewer, I’m not sure how she does it.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Because The Girl From The Basement by Michael B Chikondi is the third book in the Idle Hands series, I am not going to go into specifics and spoil anything for you. I will, however, tell you how much I have enjoyed learning about Michael’s complicated brand of vampires. We have politics, betrayals, killing at the drop of a hat, conspiracy and machinations for power. Sound familiar? Sound human?

Sinjen is a fascinating vampire. Sure, he will kill at the drop of a hat, but he has his own set or morals. I find his neediness funny and sad at the same time.

Sinjen is working with Lord Aster, investigating the rogues, but when he meets Eve, it becomes all about Eve. She is not who or what she appears to be. He has a complicated relationship with Miriam, a human and an order of monks have an extreme dislike for his kind. We have a lot of action and players involved in, but Sinjen is a master at maneuvering around and manipulating others.

Brace yourself for The Girl From The Basement, Book 3 of the Idle Hands series, by Michael B Chikondi. With this series, you will need to begin at the beginning, with Book I, Like Father Like Son.

I’m very happy with that.

If you’d like to check out my books, you can find them here:

And if you’d like to read the first book in the Idle Hands series for free, it’s here:

And now I must to sensible things for the rest of the day. I need to re-secure my editor Melanie. And generally honor my word, so that nobody mistakes me for a flake. I hope you have a chipper day.

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