We did it =)

I uploaded my final version of Only Until Midnight last night. Funnily enough I only had until midnight to do it, but we made it with an hour and 40 minutes to spare.

Today, I get to take a day off, because I was so wired from yesterday that I think I became too tired to sleep and so I went to bed at 3am by accident.

Obviously that’s not healthy, but that’s why we have to rest. I took a little break a while ago, and while I was, I heard 2 stories of people either dying (she got better) or almost dying by just being super run down.

The guy then got stung by a wasp which then led to a stroke (medications were involved which probably helped).

Anyway, I should take care to rest when I need to, even though I like writing and will be totally willing to do it until I’m fried.

Things that happened yesterday:

-I heard from Sherry Fundin, and found out she is still kicking. I’m so happy to hear that because I was genuinely worried. She’s been so supportive, and reviewed all of my books and the thought of anything bad happening to her really does make me sad. Technically that was the day before, but all of these things affected my emotions yesterday.

-The internet went out for half a day and I had to wait until the afternoon to proofread everything all over again before the midnight deadline. And a small child to entertain.

-I log on, finally, to discover some promotional materials made for me by Ian Jones. These were gifts and I was super stoked. Let me link them.

He’s a voice actor, since I do vampire books I get one of his sexier voices and, I won’t lie, it makes me a little giggly.

-Two people dropped out of my ARC campaign. I kinda freaked out, thinking they didn’t like it, but then it turned out one of them was still going to review on Goodreads. The other found my book too emotional, and they were both so sweet and apologetic about it.

-And I sold two books, which I later realised were to Joe. We like Joe =)

Anyway, that whole day was such a roller-coaster. I think I almost freaked out midway and had to stop a couple of times to chill out,

And then I was too much of a zombie by the end of it to post here, so I’m doing it now.

I’m hoping for a couple of very relaxing days, and then to get my Sir Henry’s Heart edit done for Melanie.

And then I can finally make poor Becky suffer on paper, when she has only been suffering in my head for a few weeks. She’s my new horror protagonist.

Oh, and I put a flower in my dedication, which I feel makes it a million times better =)

It totally does, don’t you think?


There’s a link to the preorder, if you’d like to make my day and get yourself one. It’s very much a traditional Cinderella, but with more focus on her home life.

2 responses to “We did it =)”

  1. Get that rest! You deserve it, I am exausted just reading about it LOL Congrats and the Trailer is Top notch!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Joe. Yeah it was nuts =p

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